Thursday, March 15, 2012

The order of perfect K-shuffles in a deck of N cards

The problem I'll write about in this post is the following: Given a deck of N cards (with N potentially as big as say 10^12) and an integer K that is a divisor of N, find the minimum positive number of perfect K-shuffles that takes the deck back to its original order. I'll define what I actually mean by a perfect K-shuffle in a second, but I'd just like to stress that this problem is very easy if N is small and K is two and you can find the answer for "normal" decks of cards (say 52 card decks) by googling it.

Two kinds of "perfect K-shuffles" are mentioned in the literature: the in-shuffle and the out-shuffle. This post will deal with the in-shuffle, but the same approach can be used to solve the out-shuffle version. So, in a perfect K-in-shuffle, you take the deck of N cards and split it "perfectly" into K piles with N/K cards each. The first pile contains the topmost N/K cards of the deck, the second pile the next N/K topmost cards and so on.

Here's an example with K=3, N=15 with the cards numbered from 1 to 15 and originally in sorted order from the top of the deck downward. After splitting the deck as described, you'd get the following configuration:

 1  6 11
 2  7 12
 3  8 13
 4  9 14
 5 10 15

To complete the K-in-shuffle, you start compiling the deck from top to bottom, taking one card from each pile starting from the rightmost pile and moving leftwards. That is, card 11 would end up on the top of the deck, followed by 6 and 1, then followed by 12, 7, and 2 etc. What you get, from top to bottom, is:

11 6 1 12 7 2 13 8 3 14 9 4 15 10 5
By the way, the out-shuffle differs only in that we start taking the cards from the leftmost pile, therefore preserving the position of the "outer cards" (the first and the last card always stay in their original position).

This shuffle (as any other shuffle) is a permutation of N elements. In fact, the numbers written above are the inverse permutation defined by the perfect 3-in-shuffle of a deck of 15 cards. If we invert it, we will get the following permutation:

3 6 9 12 15 2 5 8 11 14 1 4 7 10 13

The problem is basically asking us to find out the order of this permutation, i.e. how many times it has to be applied to get back to the sorted sequence. When a permutation is fairly small, it is easy to find its order by examining its cycle structure - the order is just the LCM of all the cycle lengths. This will in general take O(N) time since we basically want to walk through all the cycles. However, with N large, this is certainly way too slow.

So the idea is to analyze the permutation and try to come up with something better. It turns out (which you might guess by playing around with small examples) that this permutation takes the card from position c to position Kc mod N+1. It is fairly easy to prove this. Consider the general case. Let Q = N/K. Then the general case after the first part of the shuffle looks like:

  1 Q+1 ... (K-1)Q+1
  2 Q+2 ... (K-1)Q+2
  .  .   .      .
  .  .   .      .
  .  .   .      .
  Q Q+Q  .  (K-1)Q+Q = N

So the card in the ith row and the jth column (1-based) is c=(j-1)Q + i. When completing the second part of the shuffle, all the (i-1)K cards in the preceding rows will be before c, as well as the K-j+1 cards in the ith row that are to the right of c, and are therefore collected before c. That means that any card c=(j-1)Q + i moves to position (i-1)K + K-j+1 = iK - j + 1 (*).

Now consider the number cK = (j-1)QK + iK. We find that iK = cK - (j-1)QK. Plugging that into (*), we get that the position of card c after one shuffle is cK - (j-1)QK - j + 1 = cK - (j-1)QK - (j-1) = cK - (j-1)(QK + 1) = cK (mod QK+1). This completes the proof since QK = N.

One useful sanity check to make here is that since we're numbering the cards from 1 to N (inclusive), we better not get the result that a card moves to position zero. To see that this is indeed impossible, consider the GCD of K and the modulus N+1. Since K is a divisor of N, it follows that N+1 is not divisible by any prime factor of K. This is because every second number is divisible by 2, every third number by 3, every fifth number by 5 etc. Therefore, if K has a prime factor p, that is also a prime factor of N and therefore can't be a factor of N+1. It follows that K is relatively prime to the modulus N+1. Using this fact, the only way that cK would be divisible by N+1 (and therefore we would get a zero as the position of the card) is if c would be a multiple of N+1, which is impossible since c < N+1.

Now consider the first card. After one shuffle, it will be in position K, after two shuffles 2*K mod N+1 etc. Eventually it will get back to the top of the deck. The lowest positive number of shuffles that achieves this will be a number e such that K^e = 1 (mod N+1). Since K is relatively prime with N+1, it is a member of the multiplicative group modulo N+1, and e is exactly the order of K in this group. In fact, this number will be the sough order of the shuffle. That is fairly obvious - any card c will after e shuffles end up at position cK^e = c (mod N+1). Note that some cards might cycle faster, but then they will have to cycle several times before the topmost card cycles.

I wrote about efficiently computing the order of an element in a multiplicative group in a previous post, and we can do that in O(sqrt(N)) which will be sufficient for N up to around 10^14 in under one second.


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